AoS: Dread Solstice Global Campaign Launches

The Dread Solstice is upon us – It’s time to choose your fate in Games Workshop’s Global Campaign!
For many weeks the Malign Portents have been leading up to this – The Dread Solstice website is up and running. Get ready to influence the history of the Mortal Realms in the new Global Campaign for Age of Sigmar!
via Malign Portents (Games Workshop)
Week 1: The Time of Tribulations
“The lands are wracked with supernatural phenomena, affecting everyone from the lowliest beggars to the mightiest kings. But with this new era comes a new opportunity for conquest.”
For each chapter GW has put together a narrative that guides you into the story. And for each week, there are custom rules that have been paired with the narrative as well. For the first week, there are no additional rules however – things are starting to take shape after all. Once the “decision” has become a bit more clear then we’ll start to see player’s choices have an impact on games…
Chapter One – Cursed Omens
“The lands are wracked with supernatural phenomena, affecting everyone from the lowliest beggars to the mightiest kings. But with this new era comes a new opportunity for conquest.”
So what WILL you do to prepare? That is the question. Here are your answers:
To participate, all you’ve got to do is visit your local store and register your results. GW has rigged up a tracker as well. As of today (well, this morning so far) we’ve got a slight lead of “Eye” with “Drake” in a close second, followed by “Skull” – but don’t let those results fool you, things could swap around pretty quick. Lots of folks are still registering and entering their votes.
What’s really interesting about these options is they aren’t clearly marked as which “faction” each option is tied too. Drake could be Order…but does that make Eye Chaos/Destruction? Skull also feels a little bit like Chaos/Death/Destruction as well. I get the feeling that was all very intentional by GW. I’m glad they decided to blur the faction lines a bit and let the players make choices with their vote and see which direction it takes everyone.
And just one more friendly warning – it seems like there is a lot of activity on their site today. Between some of the flash elements and web traffic, some things are taking a bit to load. Be patient, things will load…eventually.
The Dread Solstice is upon us…Will you decide your own fate?