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AoS: Unboxing the Fungoid Cave Shaman and Knight of Shrouds

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Feb 4 2018
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The Harbingers of Malign Portents are here and we’re taking a closer look at the Fungoid Shaman and Knight of Shrouds!

We’ve been pretty excited about the arrival of the Malign Portents. We’ve got some early previews of the new kits for the Harbingers of the Malign Portents and what they do in game. Let’s start with the Moon Clan’s new Fungoid Cave Shaman, Snazzgar Stinkmullett:

First of all, Snazzgar here has the best name ever. So very evocative–but on top of that, he’s a pretty cool little mini. As a grot, he’s definitely the smallest of the Harbingers, but don’t let that fool you, he packs some serious mystic might. Capable of casting some pretty deadly magic (and of giving up his meager melee for more), his other real strength is in manipulating and interpreting the Portents that dot the skies of the mortal realms.

Snazzgar Stinkmullett

The mushroom-gobbling grot maniacs known as Cave-Shamans are not right in the head. To these greenskinned nutters, to get lost in a brain-mangling vision is to grow closer to the side of Gorkamorka that epitomises cunning and trickiness over brute strength, which is the side that all grots like the best. Whether these hallucinogenic visions of carnage are gifted by Gorkamorka, or simply the side effects of ingesting deffcap mushrooms, doesn’t matter to his followers – so long as they lead to a good scrap. The Fungoid Cave-Shamans were the first to lead the hordes of Destruction into Shyish, the realm of Death, in search of the Waaagh! to end all Waaaghs!.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components to assemble Snazzgar Stinkmullett, a Fungoid Cave-Shaman. He’s an… interesting figure, clearly quite mad, and has enhanced his already pointy features to more closely resemble the Bad Moon with some impressive metal prosthetics attached to his nose and jaw. You may think that he’s wearing a mushroom-shaped hat – the truth is much worse. He’s consumed so much hallucinogenic fungus that spores have burst through his brain, and an enormous fungus is growing from the top of his head. Further spores and mushrooms are dotted about his cloak and staff – which bears a caterpillar familiar – and he carries bags of potions and deffcaps on his belt. He’s armed with a moon-sickle, and on his base you’ll find an accompanying spore squig, which belches clouds of thick spores to hide Snazzgar from the foe. Topping off the whole ensemble is the spine of some unknown creature, which runs down the back of the cloak to trail behind Snazzgar like some dismal trophy.

Then of course there’s the ghostly Knight of Shrouds:


The Knight of Shrouds, whose name is Keldrek, is a powerful swordsman. Capable of flight and protected by his ethereal form, this guy excels as a hero hunter, with lots of movement to help keep him relevant to the fight. And his sword of stolen years keeps him in the fight longer than you’d expect, allowing him to heal lost wounds in combat with heroes.

Knight of Shrouds

A Knight of Shrouds is a traitor to his own kin, a turncoat who took the chance to rule in Nagash’s hellish dystopia rather than serve in Sigmar’s heaven-sent armies. He has bartered away his soul in exchange for generalship of a powerful undead host. Keldrek commands a great number of Nighthaunt wraiths in battle, and gathers the forces of the dead behind him as he travels the lands, ever seeking to bring Nagash’s justice to errant souls. The bite of his blade is as grave-cold as his immortal heart.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Keldrek, Knight of Shrouds. Little more than an empty, ragged shroud, this is an especially sinister character, entirely appropriate for a Death collection. Only a few indicators of the malevolent spirit within exist – the large winged helm, from which nothing but empty space peers out, and the thin, ghostly arms that emerge from either side. The right arm holds the Sword of Stolen Hours, a horrifying artefact as long as a man is tall which extends Keldrak’s un-life with every enemy it slays, while the left clutches its scabbard; each of these items is notched and decayed through centuries of use. Hanging from where Keldrak’s neck should be is an hourglass, a bleak reminder of his immortality. His base features a section of ruined wall, the spiked fence of which Keldrek is floating over.


You’d be hard pressed to come up with a better name than Stinkmullett. But let’s all try anyway.

Author: J.R. Zambrano
  • Malign Portents: The Storm