Geekery: The Han Solo Solo Movie Finally Gets a Trailer

It’s happening! There is a trailer!
This movie was announces back in 2016, and it’s gone through some drama since. It’s first set of directors (Phil Lord and Christopher Miller) was fired, and replaced with Ron Howard half way through principal photography. It’s been more than a bit of a rollercoaster getting this movie done.
We are 4 months out from the premier and LucasArts hasn’t shared much in terms of marketing – we’ve gotten leaked art, a few stills on Twitter. This morning the studio finally have a trailer and it looks pretty decent. Maybe this will turn out ok?
First the teaser dropped during the Super Bowl last night…
The full trailer was revealed on GMA this morning…
As with any movie DC offers up, I’ve learned not to get my hopes up with Disney’s Star Wars movies. I want it to be good. I want the franchise to put out a movie that the majority of the fan base will like. I can’t buy in to the hype anymore, though.