Goatboy’s 40k: Dreams of Golden Bikers Saving my Soul from Chaos

Goatboy here again – and currently I am somewhat enamored with the idea of Golden Bikers…
Golden bikers – streaking down from the heavens on a trail of broken Chaos Space Marine tears. I am also enamored by the thought of a Cabal of Thousand Son Daemon Princes – but the Bikers just seem pretty dang cool. I think it is all due to painting a random guy as a “test/relaxing unit” while trying to bring my brain down after studying for a certification (which I got so yay!). It was fun to build, fun to paint, and might actually be ok for competitive play – all the things I initially like about a model. Plus it hecks off all the things I love about competitive unit.
- Big scary bully unit that can fly around, punch things, and look cool while doing it.
- Decent damage output with a better function towards hordes/weak units.
- Cheap enough to buy, build, and paint.
- Fit into a simple Detachment to get all the Stratagem and extra rule goodies
Strangely enough this Custodes release is probably the most exciting thing for Imperium in a bit. Sure the AM army was good – but it wasn’t something new, exciting, and very easy to get up and running. So far I have found a single Supreme Command Detachment with 3-5 Dawn Eagle bikers and maybe a Banner guy (either flavor – all depending on what you want them to do) is all you really need to give a nice shot into the butt of a “good” guy army. As we all know – most armies seem to be defined by their Characters (except Eldar… hrm…) and these guys are some of the best “marines” flavored characters we can get in the game.
This lead me into a ton of different directions for armies that use these golden bullies mixed with either other types of Imperium bullies or just a plethora of bodies to help hide these guys. I ended up only really liking the other Heroes of the Imperium idea and while I think a cleaner mix of armies is better – the massed hero ideas just bring a goofy grin to my face. Plus we all know painting a ton of heroes is a heck of a lot better then slaving away on a top of armored bodies to full your deployment zone.
Building the Army Core
Let’s go with the initial detachment and then how I can mix some things. I know a lot of people are doing a lot of initial command point usage with multiple relics to get a bunch of 3++ save guys. That is fine and dandy – but man I know my dumb butt will forget who is a 3++ or at least watch as that guy and his 3++ friend are targeted by a plethora of mortal wounds. Or I will just roll a crap ton of 2’s no matter what happens (my Magnus – pre rules change – died all the time even though he had a 3++ save). Will start with a basic set up of the Custodes Supreme Command mixed with Guard Command Point Battery. From there will see what kind of random crap I can shove in and create something really big, dumb, and maybe interesting. Of course will see how long the AM command point battery stays around as we know the only thing keeping AM at bay is the Eldar nonsense we see right now.
Custodes Supreme Command – aka Bike A Geddon plus Super Fan Banner Dude named Steve
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
Elite: Vexilus Praetor, Defensor Banner, Power Toothpick, Storm Shield – 119 (Can go for 5+ inv or get fearless banner if you want to burn a CP)
AM Battalion – Catachan
HQ: Company Commander, Aquilla – 30
HQ: Company Commander, Warlord – the Command Point Regrower Trait – 30
Troops: Infantry Squad X 10, Heavy Weapon Team, Mortar – 45
Troops: Infantry Squad X 10, Heavy Weapon Team, Mortar – 45
Troops: Infantry Squad X 10, Heavy Weapon Team, Mortar – 45
This sits us at 1134 points
Options, Options Everywhere
It gives us a decent amount of bodies, some no LOS shooting, and 5 Cobra Kai enthusiasts who want to go fast. The question from here is – what do you want to add? You could go more AM – but again I would rather go more extreme with the hero mentality. This lead me to some different places and looking at how much random crap I have in my Garage. I remember getting a bunch of Dread Knights for some kind of trade. I don’t remember how and think most likely its was due to me wanting to make a bunch of corrupted Dread Knights. It all comes to Chaos at some point but that is probably why I got some. So of course – it means I want to build another Supreme Command full of those jerks. It probably is also due to getting shot to bits by some Dread Knights at LVO during one of my games. Woohoo those Psilencers can do a number on me haha.
Supreme Command – Grey Knights aka Dreadknight Disco Destruction!
HQ: Grandmaster Flash in Dreadknight Armor, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight Teleporter, Nemesis Greatsword – 285
HQ: Grandmaster Tito in Dreadknight Armor, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight Teleporter, Nemesis Greatsword – 285
HQ: Grandmaster Armageddon in Dreadknight Armor, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight Teleporter, Nemesis Greatsword – 285
I got a few points left so I could do some sniper riflers or other such nonsense on the Guard Squads. it might be good – or worth it but those guys are there as a back field objective holder and designed to ensure I have enough bodies to keep myself protected. The 3 Dreadknights are there to deep strike in, cause some problems and full my opponents side of the table full of 2+ save jerks who can punch things, shoot things, and maybe do some decent damage. Plus it the army model count isn’t nearly as big so play style wise it should be fast.
Of course while it is cool that 3 Dreadknights are pretty neat looking I also saw another kit sitting in my garage. I remember getting a lot of Speeders due to some old 7th edition nonsense thoughts. It all stemmed from the idea of using the Iron Wolves formation at some point with a bunch of Space Goat speeders. It also doesn’t help I built an old bike army when the Raven Guard Battleforce box gave you a plethora of bikes, Dark Angels sprues, and a ton of old Speeder Parts. This means I can quickly and easily build this bit of another Supreme Command of Space Marine Heroes that ride a bigger bike.
Supreme Command – Speeder Armageddon!
HQ: Ravenwing Talon Master, TWL Assault Cannon, TWL Heavy Bolter, Power Sword (cuz you know they got to fly close and smack someone in the face) – 188
HQ: Ravenwing Talon Master, TWL Assault Cannon, TWL Heavy Bolter, Power Sword – 188
HQ: Ravenwing Talon Master, TWL Assault Cannon, TWL Heavy Bolter, Power Sword – 188
HQ: Ravenwing Talon Master, TWL Assault Cannon, TWL Heavy Bolter, Power Sword – 188
This gets cheaper then the Dreadknights – so you got a ton of extra room for more Infantry squads which could be better as it covers your back end. You could also shift it up, add Straken, a Priest, and then have another crazy blob of assaulting monsters that join up with a nice little Stratagem. Throw in some Power Swords in the infantry squads and you have something no one wants to get near. Plus a ton of Talonmasters shooting the place up as the Bikers get closer.
With this game getting complicated speed seems to be the key to allow you to finish your matches. Thus why these types of lists have me thinking of ways to get close, get involved, and hopefully do enough damage to not let a player define the game by limiting it only to a few turns of play. Plus I like the idea of as many crazy looking heroes shooting all over the table top. I don’t know which one I like better – most likely the Dreadknight one as it is less models while the Dark Angel one is full of units you don’t always see on the table top.
For reference here are both lists – the Dark Angels Straken rework and the Dreadknight Friend time.
Bikes, Dreadknights, and Punches for the Emperor
Custodes Supreme Command – aka Bike A Geddon plus Super Fan Banner Dude named Steve
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
Elite: Vexilus Praetor, Defensor Banner, Power Toothpick, Storm Shield – 119 (Can go for 5+ inv or get fearless banner if you want to burn a CP)
AM Battalion – Cadian
HQ: Company Commander, Aquilla – 30
HQ: Company Commander, Warlord – the Command Point Regrower Trait – 30
Troops: Infantry Squad X 10, Heavy Weapon Team, Mortar – 45
Troops: Infantry Squad X 10, Heavy Weapon Team, Mortar – 45
Troops: Infantry Squad X 10, Heavy Weapon Team, Mortar – 45
Supreme Command – Grey Knights aka Dreadknight Disco Destruction!
HQ: Grandmaster Flash in Dreadknight Armor, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight Teleporter, Nemesis Greatsword – 285
HQ: Grandmaster Tito in Dreadknight Armor, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight Teleporter, Nemesis Greatsword – 285
HQ: Grandmaster Armageddon in Dreadknight Armor, Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Dreadknight Teleporter, Nemesis Greatsword – 285
Coffee with Moody Jerks
Custodes Supreme Command – aka Bike A Geddon plus Super Fan Banner Dude named Steve
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
HQ: Shield Captain on a Dawneagle Bike, Hurricane Bolter, Power Toothpick – 164
Elite: Vexilus Praetor, Defensor Banner, Power Toothpick, Storm Shield – 119 (Can go for 5+ inv or get fearless banner if you want to burn a CP)
AM Battalion – Catachan
HQ: Straken – 75
HQ: Company Commander – Aquilla, Warlord – 30
Elite: Miniostorum Priest, Chainsword, Laspistol – 35
Troops: Infantry Squad X 10, Power Sword, Heavy Weapon Team, Mortar – 49
Troops: Infantry Squad X 10, Power Sword, Heavy Weapon Team, Mortar – 49
Troops: Infantry Squad X 10, Power Sword, Heavy Weapon Team, Mortar – 49
Supreme Command – Speeder Armageddon!
HQ: Ravenwing Talon Master, TWL Assault Cannon, TWL Heavy Bolter, Power Sword (cuz you know they got to fly close and smack someone in the face) – 188
HQ: Ravenwing Talon Master, TWL Assault Cannon, TWL Heavy Bolter, Power Sword – 188
HQ: Ravenwing Talon Master, TWL Assault Cannon, TWL Heavy Bolter, Power Sword – 188
HQ: Ravenwing Talon Master, TWL Assault Cannon, TWL Heavy Bolter, Power Sword – 188
There ya go – 2 dumb lists with 5 Bikers. I expect the Bikers to work well with a basic AM mixed with either some kind of Blood Angel thing but who wants to do things that other people are doing. I would rather run around with a ton of Dreadknights or Speeders that can hide behind guardsmen.
~Which one’s your favorite?