NeverQuest Episode 28: Return to the City of Doors

This week on NeverQuest, our heroes return to the City of Doors.
NeverQuest is BoLS’ weekly celebration of the fact that we live in a world where it’s possible, however unlikely, that the rebels may have found a weakness in the superstructure of the battlestation. But rather than leave now, in our hour of triumph, we elect to remain aboard this massive technological terror and engage in the most powerful activity known to humanity: playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Each week, our team of kid tested, mother approved adventurers sets out to prove once and for all that no three positive integers a, b, and c can satisfy the equation an + bn = cn for any integer value of n greater than 2. While they calculate, hard at work to try and prove their conjecture, you can be sure these heroes will grow…exponentially.
Searching for a way to cure their ebbing mortality, Harrowmont’s Heroes return to Sigil to try and track down a magical gem as well as answers from an old familiar face. Well. Skull. Find out what exactly is going on this week on: NeverQuest!
Or join us live every Monday at 5:30pm CST as we stream the campaign on Twitch. We’re always glad to have people in the audience. New to NeverQuest? Here’s a handy rundown for you:
NeverQuest Archive
Our heroes are:
Barnabus Annabelle Goodfellow Hawthorne Merriweather Jr., etc. aka Bags. – A Goliath Wizard raised by Gnomes, currently a pit fighting champion known as ‘The Gravedigger.’ Voted best truck in its class by J.D. Power and Associates.
Ravener Scheppen – A Gnome Ranger (presumably also raised by gnomes) who has befriended a “flying squirrel” that is almost certainly a griffon.
Alamar Vel Crow – A Half-Elf Warlock who traded his soul in order to be really good at card tricks, currently possesses a magical artifact of immense power.
Peren Greycastle – A Half-Elf Bard who is a pacifist, but incredibly skilled at looking out for Peren Greycastle.
Aleta – A Human Cleric who is a member of a knowledge hungry sect. She definitely knows what’s happening outside of the world of books.
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