Privateer Press: Minicrate Preview
Take a look at the newest minis coming in the Spring 2018 Minicrate…
Privateer Press has just put out a preview video showcasing the next miniatures coming up as part of their minicrate subscription service thing. Now you can get yourself some amazing miniatures and feel like you’re one of those hip internet types who gets stuff sent to them at random that’s pretty cool–only you won’t have to hear your favorite podcasting host tell you why you want your meals sent to you in a box full of either fresh produce or snacks with flavors like dark cocoa nom noms. And sure, those sound good, but you can’t turn around and use those snacks to utterly destroy your opponents. And if gaming has taught me one thing over the years, that’s all I want from a crate.
via Privateer Press
Join us for a quick peek at a few of the upcoming minis you can have delivered to your door if you subscribe at today!
First up, there’s the incredible Totem Huntress, who is not messing around even a little bit.
You can see she’s got a collection of heads hanging from her belt there and that spear looks positively wicked. I love bits of scale mail scattered around her armor–but this is just a 3D render, you should see how the mini looks in full color!
You can see even more of her bladed shield gauntlet thing. Then of course there’s Alten Van Helsin, who is just radical. He’s still a work in progress, so there’s only the render of him, but even that has a lot of cool detail to it.
That crossbow is everything. There’s also the VIP Subscription-Only model, Mrs. Walls, who is as fearsome a pirate as you could expect.
And of course, here’s the full-color version of her and her simian companion.
You can find more information in that above link–so check them out!
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