Slaanesh’s Fate, Daughters of Khaine, Privateer & GW’s Mer-Folk!

It’s been a CRAZY weekend, with Daughters of Khaine reveling a LOT of secrets including GW’s newest fishy race!
AoS: What Happened to Slaanesh – Revealed
At long last – Battletome Daughters of Khaine – explains what happened to Slaanesh.
PP: Swamped with New Releases
The Blindwater Congregation swarms up out of the swamps, burbling with bone shrines, soulless husks, and bog trogs…
AoS: Daughters of Khaine Battletome Deep Dive
Come join the BoLS Crew and go through the new Daughters of Khaine Battletome and showcase the Army of Morathi.
Pathfinder: Delve Into Eldritch Lairs
Eldritch Lairs await brave adventurers in the latest supplement from Kobold Press.
AoS: Daughters of Khaine: 6 New Battalions Rules
The Daughters of Khaine are here with 6 new Battalions to drain the blood from your enemies. Take a look:
AoS: Daughters of Khaine – Army Special Abilities
Come take a look at what really makes Battletome Daughters of Khaine tick on the tabletop.
GW: Daughters of Khaine Releases “Pricing & Links”
The cruelest Age of Sigmar faction is here. Here’s what you can pick up from GW to bleed your opponent dry!
AoS: Unboxing Morathi, Queen of Shadows
Morathi, Shadow Queen, leads the Daughters of Khaine with an iron heart. Take a closer look!
AoS: Mer-People May Be Coming…
Hidden in the depths of the Daughters of Khaine is another piece of the menfish puzzle. Take a look…
~More on Deep-Kin soon!