AoS: Dread Solstice Week 2 Over – Skull By One Vote

This was the closest contest ever in a GW Global Campaign – Skull Won by a single vote!
It all came down to the last 3 minutes(!) of the clock as Skull pulled ahead of Drake by a SINGLE vote clutching another week for Skull. Time to see how it pans out…
In the Dread Solstice this week, you responded to the arrival of Lunaghast, the Moon of Dark Secrets, by choosing to learn all the secrets, but victory was far from assured. Indeed, the choice was in the balance up until the last 3 minutes, when Skull got ONE MORE VOTE than Drake – meaning had a battle gone differently, or another couple of units been painted, we could have been looking at a very different turn of events!
As a result of your decision, the secrets and mysteries of Lunaghast have been laid bare, tempting Wizards across the land to court madness in pursuit of greater power. Now, any non-named Wizards in your army will be able to cast an additional spell in each hero phase – if they aren’t consumed by insanity first. No artefacts were revealed this week, but there are still plenty hidden throughout the campaign – so keep digging.
The previous week showed that there were artifacts to unearth and Skull won that contest which granted Balefire Blades to the Knight of Shrouds. Now, non-named Wizards in your army will be able to cast an additional spell in each hero phase!
A New Dilemma Ahead – The Red Mists Rise
To learn how the campaign works, you can read our primer HERE. Once again, players are faced with three options. Players around the globe are able to participate that their local stores and vast votes for the option they choose. A SINGLE VOTE can make a difference so get out there and play games, paint miniatures, and get your vote on!
Chapter Two – Ash And Flame
You can read-up on the Narrative HERE. And be sure to check out Week 3 Special Rules HERE.
The battles have already started and votes are being cast – How will you impact the fate of the Mortal Realms?!