Geekery: X-Force Arrives in New ‘Deadpool 2’ Trailer

Slick actions scenes, sexy high heels, yellow spandex, and the Merc’s signature jokes.
Previous trailers have been heavy on gimmicks, and light on scenes from the movie. This one is heavy on both – and it’s got a red band, so NSFW.
Looks like Wade has to call in some reinforcements when he he can’t take down Cable alone. This iteration of X-Force includes Domino, Bedlam, Shatterstar, Zeitgeist, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and Colossus. There’s speculation that Shioli Kutsuna is playing Psylocke, but I don’t agree. Surge is more likely.
FOX has been hinting at wanting to turn X-Force into a film franchise for years, seems they’ve found a logical launching pad for it. It’s not what I was expecting out of this movie, but I think it’s a good choice. The studio has a large number of characters and plot lines to choose from thanks to its extensive license agreement, and X-Men movies have been not so great recently. Time for a new formula.
The first run of audience scores have come back, and they’re higher than those the original earned. A near perfect 98. They did a series of re-shoots, including one that added a special cameo to the movie, last month to hopefully improve that score. I’m going to expect that those that helped make the first one the most profitable R-rated movie in history will be enjoying this one, too.
Deadpool 2 hits theaters on May 18th.