GW: Rumor Engine “Hatch A New Plan”

Games Workshop has a new Rumor Engine with some familiar traits – Time to get Nautical!
via Warhammer Community
“The Rumour Engine is back, opening a portal to the future so we can glimpse the wonders to come. And it looks like a literal portal this week – or maybe more of a hatch.”
It’s pretty clearly a portal of some type. The thing is, we aren’t sure what it’s from as it could easily be either 40k or Age of Sigmar related. It looks a lot like something that could be from the Kharadon Overlords:
It fits aesthetically and thematically. However, the Imperium is known to have similar designs in use – like in their Industrial Terrain:
Plus we know the Knights are coming soon – could this bit be related to one of those massive war machines? The possibilities are wide-open on this one – so what do you think?
Alright Internet – take your best swing at what this bit is for in the comments below!