P3 Painting: Metal, Stone, and Skarre Tissue…

This week, more of the techniques you’ll need to paint up the great ghost ship that Skarre herself rides into battle.
Alright gang. Privateer Press is back this week with another pass at Skarre, Admiral of the Black Fleet. Riding atop that ghostly galleon, she’s ready for battle. And as we’ve seen last week, there’s a lot that goes into making her look good–at over 3 hours worth of video now, you can basically start from primed to painted, painting right along with Privateer’s studio painter, who will offer tips, tricks, and all kinds of techniques (including tattoo work on the model!) as he goes. Here’s the latest video in the Skarre series (which will probably conclude next week).
And then of course there’s more techniques. There’s a lot of other techniques that are ready to go as well. There’s a lot of metal adornments on this ghostly ship, so be sure and check out this video on Dullcoating Metallics, which can help take away some of the shine, but make the highlights really standing out with some “extra poppy shine” to make it seem more metallic.
And finally we’ve got some tips for painting stone. Whether you’re doing stippling, weathering, or good old greyed out stonework, there’s a lot going on here. These kinds of techniques will really help make your models pop. Even if you’re not bringing the big boat, there’s a ton of other models out there that can use it–but I like the idea of using some of these stone techniques to paint the top of the battlements.
At any rate, you can see where some of that might apply. Here’s the video:
And that’s all for this week. But there’s a lot of painting to delve into. So whether you’re working on a piece of wall in the terrain, or a skorne immortal–you should be able to find what you need to make your minis beautiful.
Happy painting!