40K RUMORS: Imperial Knights New Models Latest

The Imperial Knight rumor mill is working overtime. Here’s the latest info doing the rounds.
It’s a good time to be into Imperial Knights. Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen a lot.
First, we got the Armiger Warglaive from the Forgebane boxed set, with its mysterious missing bits.
Next, we got delicious pics of the mighty Castellan Knight headed our way alongside an all new Imperial Knights codex to lead your army.
Then last week the rumor mill kicked up with details on new unheard of chassis.
Valiant & Helliger?
Here’s yet another piece of the rumor-puzzle, with more details via B&C’s Herminasta
“I’m wracking my brain of the order they were presented on the release sheet, but I think it went
HelligerSo I’d expect the first two one week, the other the week after.
The valiant is silver with a spear and some plasma type gun I think. As I think I’ve said before I’d expect it to be the character box as well.
I don’t know if it’s thin/lanky or not, and it was so long ago now that I’m wracking the noggin to remember the conversation.
The release sheet did have renegade on there as well, so hopefully that means a rerelease or an update?
AdvertisementAnd I was thinking May too, what came out last May? As it’s likely from a sales pov GW will want to match last year’s release with another similar level one to keep the pounds ticking over”
We’ve already established that the Armiger Warlgiave kit from Forgebane has at least 1 other sprue that was not included in the kit. The Armiger is the “balanced unit” with a ranged and close combat weapons combo. I would not be surprised in the least if GW makes other sprues allowing a dual close combat and dual ranged weapon variants. This after all is exactly what they did to make new variants of the standard Imperial Knight.
I seriously doubt GW would pull an entirely new Knight kit out of nowhere, but new variants are quite realistic. That’s exactly what I predict the Valiant and Helliger are.
OH, and I’s sacrifice 10,000 Chaos Cultists for a Renegade Knight sprue!
~Time will tell, so int he meantime suit up and get to your Knights!