40K Rumors – Laying Low the Mighty Winged Hive Tyrant

We all saw the wrath of Tyranid Flyrants at Adepticon and now it sounds like GW may be putting their foot down. Here’s the latest rumors doing the rounds.
We’ve already heard from GW directly that the March 2018 40K FAQ was delayed to take in feedback from Adepticon. That of course means that GW is taking into the account the power of winning lists like this one:
Everyone knows the Flying Hive Tyrant is going to get a close looking at by GW, and here’s the first tidbit of what to expect.
rumors via source on Faeit
Flying Hive Tyrant Changes
- Going up +20 points
- Limited to 1 per detachment
- Source claimed to hear this directly from the playtest team
I’ve been saying for a while that Fly is the powerful keyword in the game and I think it’s clear that wings are way way to cheap on Tyrants (or anything else). The +20 points would go a little ways towards fixing that.
The bigger rumor to me is word of the “1 per detachment” moving over from the Tau Commander to the Tyranids. This of course will start to see the game divided behind the armies with no such limitations and those with limits. In theory GW should really only declare a 0-1 limit for units that supposed to be truly rare.
Which leads us down logical-fluff rabbit-holes such as why are Tau Commanders limited but – say Daemon Princes aren’t?
~So have at it and ask yourself: If you had to come up with a list of 1 unit per codex that most deserves the 0-1 per detachment rule which ones should they be?