Chaos Cultist Rules On The Loose - Bell of Lost Souls
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Chaos Cultist Rules On The Loose

2 Minute Read
Apr 5 2018
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Chaos Cultists are the newest gang for Necromunda–full of heresy, dark powers, and secrets that might bring down the Hive. And thanks to the intrepid sleuths of the internet, their depravity (and rules) are now on display for you.

Chaos is coming to the Underhive. Well, more accurately it’s been there for a while and now it’s just sort of bubbling to the surface. Well, not really the sruface so much as the lower levels of the Underhive, which might be above the surface, but there’s a distinction, and it’s still definitely below the place where most folk in the Hive live anyway. Look–the point is that Chaos Cultists are coming, and thanks to Scanner and the folks over at Spikeybits, we’ve got a look at what their rules are like.

Here’s just a taste of the Chaos that will be unfolding underneath Hive Primus, or wherever your battles in Necromunda happen to be.

via Scanner/Spikeybits

As you can see they’ve got some pretty deadly weapons. That Flensing Claw is pretty deadly, but the real star player here is that Heavy Flamer. With AP -2 damage and on a Template, you are going to be blasting the cramped corridors of the Hive with some fairly significant (and literal) firepower. As for the Cultists themselves…

Demagogues, Disciples and Witches round out your gang leader and champion slots–you can gear up with your standard equipment, or grab crazy Chaos Witch powers which you can use to sow havoc amongst your enemies like a demented Chaos Johnny Appleseed. And the Cult Leader special ability is fantastic, keep your mooks running around in the fight a lot longer. One model can help compensate for a lack of overall leadership and cool (though it does paint a massive target on their back). At any rate, that’s a first glimpse of the Chaos Cultists, we’ll be sure to have more Necromunda News as it develops.


In the meantime, it seems like one of the side-effects of being a member of the Imperium is that your planets might occasionally break out in hives…

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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