GW: Rumor Engine “Making Waves”

Games Workshop is back with a brand new rumor engine and some hints that are designed to throw you off it’s scent. I’m starting to think they like to tease us about what’s next!
via Warhammer Community
What mystery has the Rumour Engine unleashed this week? Is it something watery connected to the Idoneth Deepkin? Are we seeing the bony protrusions of one of Nagash’s undead horrors? Have the Haemonculi of the Dark City come up with something new and terrifying? Or are we just throwing out ideas that are designed to mislead you entirely?
Well now, let’s take a look at some of the catagories they’ve listed to see if we can narrow it down.
Idoneth Deepkin
While it’s quite possible they are connected, and I’m sure some of the bits GW has featured in previous rumor engines have been Deepkin related, I’m not convinced about this bit.
Nagash’s Undead Horrors
As much as I’d like to say it was a new Undead Kit, specifically “the bony protrusions” of one – I’m not buying it. Those “protrusions” look to…alive to be undead. Sorry, I think this one is clearly a red herring.
A Twisted Creation of the Drukhari
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but the Drukhari don’t have any new models in their book. Sorry, but it’s true and we have the book to prove it. Now, could this be some future kit planned for the Drukhari (or even the undead for that matter)? Sure – why not! But clearly it can’t be for both. Unless the Undead and Drukhari are forming some type of cross-game system alliance and will be a new faction similar to how Chaos Daemons work!!! Yeah…that’s not happening.
What this DOES remind me of is the Aelf Loremaster or the Mistweaver Shaih:
Why? Because it makes me think of some type of magical blast instead of boney protrusions. Or perhaps it is a picture of fins after all…
That Salamander sure could use an update. Just sayin.
So what do you think it is Internet? Let us know you best guess in the comments below!