Iron Kingdoms RPG: Blighted Ogrun Adventuring Company Rules
Privateer’s got an all new blighted option for your Iron Kingdoms RPG adventures!
Here’s Privateer’s rundown for the newest adventuring band for Iron Kingdoms:
“Blighted ogrun warbands emerge from the wilderness as a pack of primal terrors, hacking, howling, and gnawing their way to victory over the enemies of Everblight. The new Primal Terrors theme force adds great new options to a Legion of Everblight player’s ogrun arsenal, so to celebrate, we are expanding the options for these blighted characters for Iron Kingdoms Unleashed. Blighted ogrun warbands, insanity, and rotwings make for great antagonists for a traditional Unleashed group to face, but they also expand on the options for those interested in playing the servants of Everblight.”
Blighted Ogrun Adventuring Company
PDF download
The PDF has rules for:
- Blighted Ogrun Warband
- Blighted Ogrun Insanity Table ~NICE!
- Blighted Rotwing Antagonists
~Happy blighted adventures!