Next Week From GW: Leviadons, Legends, and Le-Deathwatch

Monstrous creatures, legendary figures, and the Space Marines that will kill them without hesitation, should the twain e’er meet, fill the docket of this week’s releases from GW.
The Next Wave of the Idoneth Deepkin washes ashore this coming week, bringing with it a creature of massive proportions, the Leviadon. And since adjectivization (which, ironically, is a nominalization), is real we can say it’s a leviathan Leviadon. Or you can just be like everyone else, call it the Murder Turtle (or Myrtle) and not get your lunch money stolen after every period. You know what works best for you.
In addition to this majestic sea creature that is equal parts Kenner action figure gone awry and Mad Max vehicle, you can also find the Warhammer Legends site, which helps provide rules for all your old models.
Oh, and I guess the Deathwatch are getting their codex too.
via Warhammer Community
The Akhelian Leviadon is, without a doubt, one of the most terrifying monsters to grace the Mortal Realms – a living battleship that’ll form the speartip for many of your Phalanxes. In combat, you’ll find yours capable of scything easily through enemy formations and monsters alike, and for a tactical player, the Leviadon is a great anchor for the rest of the Idoneth Deepkin army.
For one, thanks to Forgotten Nightmares, your opponents will be forced to fire at this armoured juggernaut while your squishier units advance unhindered, while for another, its Void Drum gives nearby units a welcome boost to their saves:
So a beast and a beating all in one. Plus you’ve got your friendly neighborhood Namarti running up beside it, enjoying the 12″ cover bubble while you crash into your opponents with your crushing jaws and scything fins to just end them.
Then of course there’s the Warhammer Legends site, which will provide rules for wave after wave of Made-to-Order releases for your favorite classic heroes, available for a week and then fading back into the obscurity in which they languish.
Warhammer Legends will be a new addition to the Warhammer Community site, providing a home to rules for classic miniatures from Games Workshop so you can continue to play with warriors, heroes and monsters from the world-that-was in your narrative and open play games. Alongside this, as new units are added, we’ll be giving you a chance to add them to your collections through a series of week-long Made to Order offers.
In the first wave of Warhammer Legends Made to Order, you’ll find the classic iteration of Morathi – a great way for any Daughters of Khaine player to pay homage to where it all began – as well as a collection of Dark Elf heroes. Meanwhile, Mengil Manhide’s Manflayers are a much-requested unit from the old Dogs of War range who provide a gory spin on Scourge Corsairs, while Lokhir Fellheart pays homage to the nautical elements of the asur and druchii that would later be fully realised with the Idoneth Deepkin.
And then of course, we all know that the Deathwatch Codex is coming next week. Which is also pretty exciting. So get ready for a week of previews, teasers, maybe some leaks, and definitely some baseless speculation about everyone’s favorite Xenos-hating Space Marines who are also part of the inquisition, as opposed to just regular xenos-hating space marines.
Stay tuned for more news from GW!