P3: Paint the (Khadoran) Town Red (And Gold)

Khador gleams red and gold, two proud colors that represent the Khadoran army in all her fierceness. Make sure you do the Motherland proud with your Warjacks painted brightly for all to see the glory of Khador on display.
That’s right, it’s time to paint up the heaviest of the heavy Warjacks. They bloom with Khadoran might, and are incredibly sturdy. Let them stand proudly on the tabletop, in brilliant red and gold with the help of these painting videos. Check them out:
It’s just a couple of coats of red and some highlight, but the colors really start coming together and make that red go from a dull flat color to something that really pops.
Where it really starts to shine, though, is when you start mixing in the golden highlights. That’s when the real glory and pride of Khador starts to shine through.
The finished product looks amazing…really brings out that heavy, industrial look of the Khador ‘jacks, while giving folks a lot to play with. So if you’re getting ready to roll out a day of painting, this will help you get up to speed. Make those reds redder, after all it’s proven that painted models make their associated dice roll better.
Happy painting!