Star Wars X-Wing: Saw’s Renegades Preview

Saw Gerrera has some plans for a Rebellion of his own. Today Fantasy Flight Games is showing off how he is taking the fight to the empire with his brand of renegades!
Despite the long odds, Saw’s band of freedom fighters zealously fly their starfighters into battles that others deem hopeless. To have any chance, they need to get the most out of their customized ships. For this reason, the Saw’s Renegades Expansion expands the capabilities of the T-65 X-wing beyond anything that has previously been seen with a new dual-sided upgrade card.
Lock S-Foils
The T-65 X-Wing is getting some much needed love with a new S-Foil card option. We’re pretty pumped to see this ship get some new maneuvers to bring it more inline with the iconic stature it has. I mean, the game is named X-Wing after all!
New Pilots
Kullbee Sperado is tailor-made for the new S-Foil mod card. That ability is going to come in handy as you’re able to boost into position and then swap over to “Attack Mode” and blast away!
Leevan Tenza is another pilot that will be able to take advantage of the boost that S-Foils provides. An extra evade token is always welcome – just watch that stress!
Benthic Two Tubes is a great support ship – if you’re looking to toss out focus like a pez dispenser. Or you can keep it for yourself, just remember sharing is caring!
Saw Gerrera himself is getting in on the action, too! He helps manage your stress levels by allowing a friendly stressed ship at range 1-2 to get a reroll on an attack die. Same goes for if that ship has taken damage. What an inspiring leader, right?!
The Upgrades
Renegade Refit takes up a torpedo slot – but you know what? I’m totally fine with this because it gives you a -2 point cost AND allows you to take 2 different mods (like S-foils and ANYTHING else). That’s a deal I’m willing to make. Plus it applies to both U and X wings!
Magva Yarro is a new crew slot that allows you to “counter-lock” when you’re the target of the attack. That can be great for those ships that are going to be able to take a hit and shoot back.
And finally we get a look at Saw Gerrera’s crew slot card. He’s a bit of a radical if you didn’t know and his ability reflects that. He causes 1 damage to your ship in exchange for changing all of your focus results to CRITS. That’s pretty mean if you’re willing to go the distance with self-inflicted damage.
The Saw’s Renegade Expansion is out for Pre-Order now from FFG and is due out soon!
Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack $39.95
Take the skies with Saw Gerrera and his renegades with the Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack! Rather than introducing completely new ships to the game, this expansion follows in the vein of the Rebel Aces Expansion Pack and the Heroes of the Resistance Expansion Pack by introducing new versions of existing ships already in the service of the Rebel Alliance. In this case, you’ll find two new ship miniatures—a U-wing and a T-65 X-wing, both pre-painted in the stunning black-and-white paint scheme of Saw Gerrera’s freedom fighters.
Though the ships may be functionally the same as the ones included in previous expansions, the Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack offers an assortment of ship cards featuring pilots from Saw’s motley band of warriors—or even Saw Gerrera himself, flying his powerful U-wing into your battles. Along with new ship cards for both the T-65 X-wing and the U-wing, you’ll find an arsenal of fifteen new upgrade cards, equipping your squadrons with any number of unusual tactics or system upgrades.
Fight For The Dream!