Tabletop Crowdfunding Round-Up – April 17

Alien zombies, rampaging greenskins, and crusading sisters. Come check out this week’s batch of Kickstarter highlights!
One additional campaign to keep an eye out for this week is Confrontation Classic, which should be going live a few hours after this article gets posted.
Zombicide: Invader by CMON
Zombicide, Cool Mini Or Not’s hit cooperative board game of survival, and zombie slaughter returns yet again, and now the action is moving to space. A remote mining outpost on a newly discovered planet has inadvertently awakened an unstoppable race of zombie-like aliens that spread a toxic mold wherever they go. Players recruit their group of survivors from both civilians and professional soldiers, each with a unique set of skills and gear. One of the main new mechanics revolves around the inhospitable planet itself. Players will need to bring oxygen tanks when venturing outside the mining facility, and the lack of air means that some weapons won’t function outdoors. For $150 you can get the core game, the Black Ops expansion set, and a long list of Kickstarter exclusives and stretch goals.
Daughters of the Burning Rose by Anvil Industry
Anvil Industry already has a wide range of modular 28mm resin sci-fi miniatures, and now they are coming to Kickstarter to create a line of armored warrior women. The miniatures have a medieval gothic design to their armor that will allow them to fit well enough as proxies for everyone’s favorite grimdark game. As with all of Anvil’s miniatures, these female crusaders have a ton of customization options, including heads, pauldrons, standard infantry rifles, and special, heavy, and melee weapons. You’ll find a variety of heroes, medics, and assassins in addition to the standard line infantry, with pledge levels to fit any budget.
Asgard’s Sons by JoseMox
This Spanish start-up is looking to fund a Nordic-inspired fantasy football team of 32mm resin miniatures. The full team includes seven linemen, two runners, two throwers, two berserkers, two werewolves, and one yeti, with no duplicate sculpts. You can grab the whole team, and all applicable stretch goals, for €89/$110.
Halflings by Midlam Miniatures
Midlam’s obsession with a certain jovial race of vertically-challenged adventurers continues with a new set of 28mm metal Halflings. As the name of the campaign implies, A Class of Their Own focuses on giving players a range of male and female Halflings covering a variety of typical RPG classes, including clerics, barbarians, rogues, druids, bards, and more. There are 16 miniatures in all, and you can buy the entire batch for £35/$50.
Greenskin Wars by Knightmare Miniatures
Finally, we come to another Kickstarter campaign by Diego Pinilla and Kevin Adams, two veteran sculptors famous for their massive range of Oldhammer-style greenskins. This campaign will give gamers a chance to fund some new sculpts, or pick up models from their existing range at a discount. There’s a massive variety of goblins, orcs, trolls, bugbears, and other savage greenskins to choose from, and includes everything from standard warriors, to massive bosses and other “heroes.”
~Which of these campaigns caught your attention?