Wyrd: The Gibbering Hordes Multiply

It’s Easter, so let’s talk about eggs! Not the tasty candy kind, though. Sorry. We’re talking about the rapidly multiplying Gibbering Horde eggs that are making their way from Malifaux to Earth! Much more terrifying.
Since making their way to Earth clutches of the Gibbering Hordes’ eggs are being found in dark, dank places in growing numbers. Humans have yet to figure out which eggs contain which species, but Karkinoi or Crawlers because they lay eggs in such high numbers. Many of the eggs end up as food for other species, which has kept their numbers under control on Malifaux.
On the table, Egg Clutches don’t do much. Despite this, they are still quite useful. They are able to come back into play when killed via Endless Numbers, and they make an excellent target for Survival of the Fittest. When they are no longer needed for support, they can hatch and become another hungry creature in the Hordes’ forces.
Head over to the Wyrd forums to learn more!