40K: Harlequin Codex First Thoughts & Deep Dive

It’s that time again – we rolled up our sleeves and dove head first into Codex: Harlequins! Can these killer clowns hang with the GrimDark in the new edition? Let’s find out.
The Harlequins are going to be a book that we think will see some action as an ally army for sure. They can be built to be cheap and deadly or you can load them up for some serious specialization. Just about everything in the army has the equivalent of Fly, an invulnerable save, and the ability to charge after advancing. These guys are fast and more durable than you might expect from an army that is predominately toughness 3. If you’re feeling lucky and are confident in your ability to roll 4+, the Harlequins can be unstoppable.
In reality, a 50/50 to save vs everything does mean you’re failing half of your saves. The Harlequins are squishy and if your dice go cold, well, it’s going to be a bad time. However, if you can get into close-combat (and you’ve got the speed to do so) then your Harlequins will thrive. They have a ton of close-range weapons that are extremely deadly. From three different “Harlequin bad-touch” close-combat weapons to access to fusion pistols all over, nothing is safe from the Harlequin’s wrath…not even Imperial Knights!
Codex: Harlequins is out for Pre-order this weekend. The Clowns have arrived!