40K Rumor Roundup: Imperial Knights

There’s a lot of info out there about the upcoming Imperial Knights Codex. Let’s get right to it:
We’ve had quite a bit of rumors percolating around the web these past few days. Here’s the big points, combined with what we know for sure:
Codex is coming after Harlequins (exact date unknown, but it won’t be long)
New Knight Castellan
New Knight Armiger Warglaive
Sub-faction Rules for Knight Households/Freeblades
Armiger dual variant combo kit is introduced with new weapon options.
New Armiger variant is upgunned for more firepower.
10 Knight Datasheets included in the codex.
A new kit “Preceptor”/Knight Character combo kit is introduced.
Character kit included a detailed cockpit.
Massive Castellan is a dual combo kit that also builds a “Valiant” option.
Freeblade rules have a benefit-limitation trade-off element that can be chosen by the player.
A piece of Imperial Terrain is included – said to be focussed on rearming, improving firepower and repairing Knights.
~I’m excited about this one. That Castellan has a date with my gametable!