40K: The Unstoppable Charges Of House Griffith
House Griffith must have an excellent line of credit. Because, according to their house faction rules, they charge just about everything.
Nothing says crushing defeat quite like the crushing feet of a stomping titan–and when 100 tons of good old-fashioned Imperial know-how (well maybe knew-how, since they don’t make them like they used to), comes crashing into your lines, you know you’re in for a bad time.
And no one excels at meeting the enemy in honorable (close) combat quite like Griffith, who gain extra attacks on a turn they charge, were charged, or perform a heroic intervention. And the noble Knight Scions of House Griffith love close combat so much they want to marry it are able to perform heroic interventions just like they were characters.
+1 Attack is pretty ridiculous on a Knight–their stomping feet can translate that to three extra attacks which are good against most infantry, or if you’re really feeling spicy, an extra attack with a Knight close combat weapon can ruin someone’s day.
Even on an Armiger that’s an extra three damage against something, and, especially if you’re fighting other Knights, every bit of damage helps. At any rate that’s House Griffith. There are still a few others–or if you’re hungry for more Imperial Knights teasers, check out the preview of the Dominus Knights, which are also a beating and then some.
Now the question remains, how well-suited will Knights be to close combat? So far we’ve seen a lot of ridiculous firepower–but it’s all shooting. We haven’t seen if there are any new Knight melee weapons options yet (though the extant ones are pretty stellar as-is), but right now Knights are looking fairly shooty, with the ability to dole out tons of attacks as a sort of bonus.
What do you think of House Griffith? And Knight melee in general? Viable, or is more dakka best dakka?