Age of Sigmar: Ghouls Of The Flesh-Eater Courts In The New Edition

The Flesh-Eaters are ravenous hordes of ghouls who cling to the glories of their past life–but in reality they are flesh eating horrors who swell their numberless ranks with their cannibalistic heroes.
Flesh-Eater Courts are significantly improved in the new edition–one of the biggest boons to their army is the change to summoning. Their Flesh Courtiers can now bring more units to the table, and the ravening horde grows all without costing you reinforcement points.
via Warhammer Community
The ghouls of the Flesh-eater Courts believe themselves to be noble warriors from a bygone age. To them, rags of flesh are gleaming pennants, clutched bones serve as master-worked swords and heaps of spoiled meat form fresh and well-prepared feasts fit for royalty. Unfortunately for the Mortal Realms, this delusion cuts both ways – they see all others as invaders and usurpers who threaten their kingdoms.
With the new edition, the Flesh-eater Courts have been transformed overnight into a stellar faction. With summoning units no longer costing reinforcement points, you’ll be able to quickly multiply, grow and overwhelm your enemy with a swarm of hungry mordants.
Of course the changes to magic will impact the army–with fast moving spellcasters able to toss out endless spells, or even just regular ones, you’ll be able to control more of the board, making it harder for your opponent to get their key spells cast.
The army is designed around a collection of lower-level Heroes, known as Courtiers, each of which can bolster nearby units with new models. These Courtiers are led by Abhorrant Ghoul Kings, each of which has a command ability that lets them set up entirely new units with their command abilities.
So basically you’ll be able to field your army, then pile on additional units for free thanks to their command abilities. And with the way command points work now, you’ll be able to set up new units all as part of a combo–so you can roll up and toss down a horde of ghouls where you need it.
Next up, changes to the shooting phase–this one should be interesting so check back tomorrow.