AoS: Maggotkin of Nurgle In The New Edition

The Maggotkin of Nurgle, being one of the more recent battletomes, are designed in part with the new edition in mind. But even they will see some changes come Age of Sigmar 2.0.
Age of Sigmar: Second Edition is upon us, and with it come broad sweeping changes to the armies of the mortal realms. Though some are seeing less change than others, like the Maggotkin of Nurgle. They have the benefit of being designed right around the time of transition, which means they already incorporate a number of design principles of second edition–or are at least designed to benefit therefrom. Let’s take a look!
via Warhammer Community
Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle was designed to work with the new edition (it’s even got the new logo on the cover!) and you’ll find the new rules bring a lot of benefits to a Nurgle army – from Look Out, Sir!, to command points, to some exciting (and major) changes we haven’t even looked at yet…
With no fewer than seven (appropriate, eh?) unique command abilities in the Maggotkin of Nurgle battletome spread across various Heroes, the new command points system is great news. You’ll be able to build some killer combos as well as ensuring that your choice of general doesn’t restrict how you build your army.
This means that you’ll be able to put together all kinds of combos using the new rules system. Command abilities that play well with each other are going to be the order of the day in AoS 2.0, so, if you like the crazy combos of 8th Edition 40K, get ready to do more cool things like that… if not, well then maybe don’t look at this picture.
So basically you give some Blightlords extra move so you can get them into combat, Plague of Flies to keep them harder to hit, and while we’re at it lets give them an extra attack as well. You’re encouraged to take varied heroes under the new rules–so hopefully you’ll be seeing a wider variety of armies.
There are other changes in the works for the Maggotkin as well as a new wrinkle in the ongoing battle for the Realm of Life:
There’s new fun for Maggotkin Wizards as well. Nurgle’s forces in the Mortal Realms have long coveted the verdant Realm of Life. The war for Ghyran still rages, but now, with wild magic rampant, the energies of life (or corrupted life, in Nurgle’s case) form into vast swarms of insectoid creatures, that can be harnessed by any Wizard attuned to them.
Maggotkin Wizards have a new spell called Emerald Lifeswarm, which can help heal your damaged forces. So, all around, it seems like the Maggotkin of Nurgle are getting a little more resilient. We’ll see what else changes for the forces of the Mortal Realms in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.
What do you think of the new edition announcement? How will Maggotkin fit in? Are they poised to take advantage of the new rules, or will they suffer from being in that transition state before the new edition can really solidify?