Arkham Horror: TCG – Two New Scenarios Announced

Fantasy Flight Games has a new pair of scenarios heading your way. But these aren’t your typical investigations. The scenario kicks off a story line that starts at GenCon 2018 and ends at Arkham Nights 2018.
This year at GenCon 2018, Fantasy Flight Games is running a new scenario event for Arkham Horror: The Card Game – The Eternal Slumber. This will be a one to four player event that will have lasting repercussions on the community. The results of the event will be recorded and will impact which weaknesses will be included with the next scenario The Night’s Usurper. That scenario will be first available at Arkham Nights 2018!
If you’re going to head to GenCon 2018, you can register for the event HERE.
Now, not everyone can make it to GenCon or Arkham Nights – don’t worry, those folks will still have a chance to play these scenarios as well. You can pick up The Eternal Slumber Scenario later this year at Invocation Events at your FLGS. If you make it to one of those events, you’ll have a chance to score your own extended art promo cards:
If you can’t make it to an Invocation event for the chance to play the scenario you’ll have one more opportunity. At a later date, FFG is planning on releasing the two scenarios in a combined pack called Guardians of the Abyss. This will be a separate retail package and will contain 78 cards so you can run through both of these scenarios as standalone investigations or in campaign mode. And your actions in The Eternal Slumber will carry over into The Night’s Usurper!
Now that we’ve covered where these scenario’s will be available, let’s talk about what the heck the investigation is about! I’ll let’ FFG explain:
Something strange is happening in Cairo, Egypt. Seemingly random victims all throughout the city have fallen into comas, leaving doctors baffled. When Jessie Burke comes to you desperate for help, you find yourself obligated to assist, despite the risk that you may never again wake from a night of sleep. Your team of investigators must search throughout Cairo and the ruins of ancient Egypt to find a way to lift this curse… and in the process, unveil a sinister machination between two forces far beyond our comprehension.
Well that sounds ominous…but it’s called Arkham Horror after-all! Registration for the event starts May 6th. If you want to take the first crack at it, mark your calendars and set an alarm…
Still waiting for Labyrinths of Lunacy to hit the shelves…I might want to sign-up for this one while I can.