BATTLETECH: Review 2.0 – It’s Go Time

BATTLETECH for PC is out and has had a few patches since it’s launch. I’m not sure what they updated, but it’s running like a champ now and I can’t get enough!
If you saw my preliminary review of BATTLETECH then you know my saga. I was one of the unlucky folks who got hit with some unfortunately technical issues. I followed all the steps and tried pretty much all the suggested work arounds. It wasn’t my PC, it was the game and unfortunately, I was unable to enjoy it after getting hooked. But that all changed after a few patches. Now I am THRILLED to say it’s working and I’m playing the crap out of this game.
As I mentioned before, this game is a Turn-based, tactical ‘Mech combat game. You run a ‘Merc Company and get to manage your ‘Mechs, Mechwarriors, contracts and finances. You even get a larger ship that you can repair and upgrade as the game progresses. I won’t go into all the specifics as I sung it’s praises before. This game combines the “just one more turn/mission” dynamic with a mini-business simulator that involves ‘Mechs & Mercs. It’s my jam and I’ve been playing it until the wee-hours of the morning every night. EVERY NIGHT. I’m tired folks. But it’s so good, I’ll keep going.
The main campaign has a pretty solid story and you can opt to chew through that as fast as you can, or you can meander around and take up other contracts. You play time may vary but I’ve put over 40 hours in and I have about 3 more story missions left. (I had to find out how many I had left for the article but didn’t look at spoilers). The game does force you to play a random mission or two in between story missions. This allows for the time-line of the game to make more sense. The side missions will net you more funds/’Mechs/equipment. There is a bit of ‘pokemon syndrome’ if you want to collect ALL the ‘Mechs.
I wasn’t able to fully endorse this game before – even though I wanted to. But HBS has ironed out whatever bugs I was having with a patch or two and the game is working. Now I can say, with no shame, that BATTLETECH is a fantastic purchase. It’s still got some kinks, but the overall experience is so good that I don’t even care. Common complaints include slow loading times and the combat camera can be wonky. There are some weird UI things as well – but honestly, I don’t even notice them now. If you were waiting to give this one a shot, it’s working for me now so go pick-it up!
Future Plans
Once you finish the story, the timeline continues as well. From what I’ve been told, the game essentially just keeps going an allows you to keep playing your Merc Company. If you’re familiar with the BATTLETECH timeline, this game is set around the 3025 era. That means they’ve got about ~25 years of game time to mess around with before ‘you know who’ shows-up.
I think HBS has a hit on their hands and a game that has a (now) solid foundation. I really hope they keep working on this game and add more to this wonderful system they’ve created. Personally, I’m hoping we get a couple expansions with more ‘Mechs and after a certain galaxy changing event. Maybe even an option to play from a different point-of-view later. Or, you know, they show up and you and your scrappy Merc Company gets hired to fight the Clans! I’m ALL about that.
Alright Fellow Mechwarriors – what have your impressions been with it so far? From the comments last time I can tell you all are having a blast, too! How ’bout that Gauss Rifle, eh!?