EXCLUSIVE: Privateer Preview – “Scales of Doom”

Privateer Press is back with a new BoLS EXCLUSIVE Preview – but could this be a new unit for Warmachine/Hordes or are we looking at more Monsterpocalypse? I’ll let you decide!
via Privateer Press
“Don’t forget to moisturize this summer!”
The caption is the only clue we were given – sounds like something BIG and SCALY is coming this summer. Could it be another Kaiju for MonPoc or something in a slightly different scale?
Lots of forces in the Iron Kingdoms have scales Gatormen and Legion immediately jump to mind, but that’s not all it could be. Wanna take a stab at what this model is?
Monsterpocalypse or Warmachine/Hordes? Drop your best guess in the comments below!