FFG: Legend of the Five Rings Gets Beta Multiplayer Rules

It was only a matter of time. Legend of the Five Rings has gone full circle and once again has rules of Multiplayer. The Beta Rules are free and online right now!
Before Fantasy Flight Games purchased L5R from AEG, it was known as a pretty intense card game. Not only because of it’s mechanics for 1v1 play, but because of the way the game scaled in Multiplayer. Without getting into all the nitty-gritty, the multi-player version of the game had a pretty devoted fan base. The re-release of the game with it’s shift in mechanics didn’t have rules for those epic multi-player games. It was strictly a duel between two players…until today.
Download the Beta Rules HERE
“As you will soon find, the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game multiplayer variant plays similarly to a normal game, but now with the added victory condition of enlightenment. Instead of claiming rings as normal, rings are placed on your provinces. To reach enlightenment, you just need to collect all five elemental rings to ascend past your peers and lead your clan to victory! You can play multiplayer Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game with as few as three players, but it can also support as many as needed for a multiplayer showdown. Download the rules today to find out everything you need to know about the multiplayer variant for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game.”
Just a couple of things to note about the Beta in-general. First off, this isn’t like most Betas for rules where “they want your feedback” but don’t actually want it. For the next few weeks, FFG is coordinating the Beta through their L5R subforum. Each week, starting this week, developers will post an update about the beta and an accompanying survey. The survey will be used to gather feedback on the rules – these results will help smooth out the wrinkles and the final rules will be released.
More On The Way
At Noon (CST) today, FFG is also hosting an AMA on Reddit which you can participate in as well. The AMA will have game designers Brad Andres and Tyler Parrott. Plus, on May 30th FFG will have another Livestream on their Twitch Channel as well.
This is great news for fans of the game as the multiplayer component adds a lot to the meta. Yes, 1v1 games are still important but Multiplayer games really force players to try different strategies and deck-builds. It’s fun to get a group of players together and all get to play instead of only playing 1v1. And if you’re worried this was just a “bolt-on” to the core game, it’s not. If you look at the cards closely, there are several instances where the verbiage used implies more than one opponent. Phrases like “Choose an opponent” were pretty clear signs that FFG had more planned for this game.
With the core set out, a complete cycle out, a clan pack available, and more on the way there has never been a better time to dive in to Legend of the Five Rings!
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game $39.95
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game is a player-influenced LCG® that sees two players take on the role of one of the seven Great Clans of Rokugan, vying for military and political control of the land while maintaining Rokugan society’s strict code of honor.
Each player commands their forces with two separate decks: A Dynasty Deck fills their provinces with characters and holdings and a Conflict Deck consisting of tactics, maneuvers, followers and attachments that can be used to turn the tide in a struggle for supremacy. During a game, players will engage in conflicts, both political and military based, with the goal of breaking their opponent’s stronghold and winning the game. But the rules of society are absolute, and even in the fire of battle and heat of Rokugan’s courts, clans must remember the tenets of Bushidō, lest they lose everything in their single-minded pursuit of glory.
The Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Core Set comes with everything a player needs to explore the seven great clans of Rokugan, the Crab Clan, Crane Clan, Dragon Clan, Lion Clan, Phoenix Clan, Scorpion Clan, and Unicorn Clan. It also includes a variety of tokens, cards, and rule sheets that make the Core Set the definitive starting point for the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game.
L5R Multiplayer is back in Beta! Time to get the crew together…