Geekery: New Star Wars Anthology Movies Incoming

Those gaps in the Disney schedule are filling in with new Star Wars anthology titles. A Boba Fett movie has been confirmed, and there are theories of what else will be added to the slate that seem like they’ll pan out.
The first time we saw Boba Fett was in The Empire Strikes Back, the fan base was instantly enamored with the character. He’s one of those characters that has become beloved even though his movie screen time has been fleeting. His origin was revealed in the prequels, and his canon timeline was filled in with The Clone Wars and appearances in comic books. The groundwork for his story has been laid already.
The movie is happening and it will be directed by James Mangold (The Wolverine, Logan), with Simon Kinberg (The Martian, Logan) acting as EP. No other names have bee brought up – I’m sure there will be more news in the coming weeks.
As for rumors: Obi Wan Kenobi has been mentioned as the star for another anthology movie – certain fans have been wishlisting a movie with Thrawn as the antagonist for a few months. There’s a are two likely eras they’ll go with given how they’re inserting these movies into the timeline:
- Before the prequels, covering his younger years and time with Qui-Gon Jinn
- After the prequels before A New Hope, covering his years on Tatooine
His appearances in canon sources is pretty vast. Both of those possibilities have been at least touched on in an animated series of comic in the last 20 years. Ewan McGregor has confirmed multiple times that he’d love to reprise the role, as recenlty as at this year’s Golden Globes.
There’s a lot of information we don’t have at this point on these projects (if the last two are even things). Even without that a lot of folks are asking if either of these will actually catch positive attention from the fanbase after The Last Jedi and Solo: A Star Wars Story (which I enjoyed, but has had a disappointing opening weekend). Will these be more of the same?