Goatboy’s 40k Thoughts: The Stratagem Time Bomb…

Goatboy here again with another 40k bit of nonsense to drop. Today we’re talking about a key stratagem change and how it will shake up the game.
This past week had an interesting release about how the Agents of Vect stratagem will be working in the current game. For those wondering the debate has been raging online about how you get access to that particular stratagem. Between multiple discussions, comments, etc. – the RAW of the matter seems to the point that anyone that has a Dark Eldar detachment can use it.
Before you get all huffy on me, I understand that is not the “intent” based on multiple TO’s who happen to be playtesters. I have no skin in the game as I don’t play them. I just want things to be played based on the intent of the game designers and if my idea gets ruined so be it. It is still just a game I enjoyed all aspects of.
So back to it – GW posted a picture on Facebook talking about five very powerful stratagems. In this picture you see down below they specifically state the Kabal of The Black Heart detachment is needed to activate that specific Stratagem – which again goes against the FAQ as well as the current playing of the game. The idea that a specific Faction is needed just to have “access” to the Stratagems themselves is a pretty big thing. It could radically change how some armies work even thru the significant FAQ/Beta Change.
Ynarri Weirdness
As is usual in this current edition of 40k – the Ynarri still causes some weird issues. The FAQ allowed you to take those characters in an Army and not break that Detachment. It did end with some interesting tidbits that stated while they are still a Craftworld army – they do not get access to the Craftworld Attributes. Does this mean that they can’t use any of the specific Stratagems that they gain because they are still “Craftworld X” but they can’t use as the Detachment isn’t a “Craftworld X” Detachment? I know it seems to only really effect Eldar but look at some of the other ones.
Drukhari Murkiness
A soup Dark Eldar Detachment can be easy to do as you can just easily throw in an Archon of the Kabal of the Blackheart in something simple that doesn’t necessarily need an Obsession. Like, let’s say a Ynarri Dark Eldar faction with say some Wyches, Ravagers, etc. But now with this ruling, any kind of soup option doesn’t gain you access to specific stratagems. There is another level of “faction building” you have to worry about and keep mind. It also feels kind of clunky, but right now it isn’t like we are playing the same game that 8th was when it first came out.
Cultists Cultists Everywhere
Look at how the FAQ treats Tide of Traitors and the other Chaos Legions with access to Cultists. The Death Guard army can have Tide of Traitors done on their cultists if they have CSM detachment to allow the Stratagem. Even though Death Guard don’t have it – the Stratagem itself just looks for the Chaos Space Marine keyword. But what if they start to say – you can only use Stratagems on your detachment that has access to them. IE the special ones that are locked to specific “factions” can only be unlocked if you take that as a full detachment. It creates a weird issue where every book gets FAQ’d because of one simple little blurb. Of course, they could just say – only Kabal of the Black Heart works this way…
Open Questions…
Like I said earlier – it doesn’t effect as many armies as most of the other armies are pretty well locked with Stratagems calling out specific things in the respective army. It seems to be a big thing for the Eldar and Eldar like armies and maybe some Chaos soup options that utilized “Chaos Space marine” as a way to pass off rules. I am sure there could be some more of these sort of things laying around. I know some Space Marine stuff could be used – maybe utilizing just Adeptus Astartes to say get a Supreme command of Dudes – then utilize being Battle forge to use Raven Guard on the characters to deploy them even though you don’t have a full Raven Guard Detachment.
Now, this isn’t something I would be against if they bring to an FAQ. Saying while yes you get access to the basic Stratagems of your army – you don’t gain any of the specific ones unless you are just that type of Detachment. I think it probably evens some things up as there isn’t really a “glue” like HQ choice for the other armies like the Ynarri guys are. Its just one of those things I think GW didn’t fully think about as they played with Intent instead of playing with the normal breaking the game method some tournament players utilize. Can you guys think of any other Stratagems you can gain access to and utilize a different form of “Army based faction glue”?
~Because building army lists was already too easy…