Harlequins, Slaanesh Revealed, New 40K Minis, Pathfinder 2, Battletech & More

It was busy out there this weekend gamers with lot of big companies showing off their upcoming editions. Take a look!
Pathfinder: Second Edition Stat Blocks – Monstrous But Not Intimidating
Pathfinder Second Edition promises to bring increased depth to the game while still moving forward with a more flexible, streamlined design. Take a look at what this means for monsters inside.
Look Out, Sir! A New Rule For AoS Is Incoming
Here’s a look at the new Look Out, Sir! It’s an unexpected spin on a classic favorite–the rule definitely keeps your characters safe, but not necessarily in the way you’re thinking.
40K: Lore of The Harlequins – Find Out What’s Inside The Codex
The Harlequin Codex is here, and that means that, in addition to all the new rules out there, waiting to clown around on the tabletop, there are also new lore bits to pore over. Here are some of the more interesting Lore Nuggets in the book.
Why You Should Make the Jump into Historical Games with Bolt Action
Right off the top, I will let my readers know that Bolt Action is my current favorite game. As a consequence, you can expect this review to be a little biased. That said, I play and read a lot of rule-sets, so I have a good idea of the game’s competition.
Slaanesh Is Back For AoS Second Edition
Well, at least imprisoned in a shadowy nether-realm between Ulgu and Hysh where the dark prince of pleasure is divested of all the souls he consumed in the world-that-was. But you know, that’s something.
GW: New Pre-Orders – Harlequins & Webway “Pricing & Links”
A new challenger from the Webway has appeared! The Harlequins are here and they are bringing the Webway Gate with them!
BATTLETECH: Review 2.0 – It’s Go Time
BATTLETECH for PC is out and has had a few patches since it’s launch. I’m not sure what they updated, but it’s running like a champ now and I can’t get enough!
40K Rumors: More Imperial Knight Household Rules
The rumor-mill is spinning up with more Imperial Knight Household Rules. It’s time to fire-up those Knights and drop in.
40K: Harlequin Codex First Thoughts & Deep Dive
It’s that time again – we rolled up our sleeves and dove head first into Codex: Harlequins! Can these killer clowns hang with the GrimDark in the new edition? Let’s find out.
~Onto the new week!