Next Week From GW – The Idoneth Deepkin Present: Shark Week

Coming next week–a new wave of Idoneth Deepkin. The Akhelian faction rounds out the releases this week, with the Morsarr and Ishlaen Guard filling out the cavalry units–but really, it’s Shark Week with the release of the Akhelian Allopex, aka the Battleshark. It’s jawesome.
Finally a release where it’s appropriate to use the Jaws theme, because the Battleshark is coming. And while it may never quite be as cool and full of ‘tude as its 90’s counterpart, the Street Sharks, I have to say GW has done a fine job of adapting the concept to the world of the Age of Sigmar.
via Warhammer Community
Those are Idoneth ethersea blades, right?
I mean there’s no way the two aren’t related, right?
I mean I think it’s pretty obvious. Your mileage may vary though. As for how it performs, it has a ton of attacks, scything fins, crushing jaws, it’s not quite as battering-ram-y as the Leviadon, but when it hits something, it hits for keeps. And those harpoons are nothing to sneeze at either. Fast and furious, this shark is definitely cool.
As far as the other releases, the Eel-riders, let’s take a look.
Morsarr and Ishlaen Guard are the primary calvary of the Akhelian armies, elite mounted units that combine the martial skill of their riders with the biovoltaic properties of their mounts. These guys can fill a range of roles in your army, from line-breaking with the spear-wielding Morsarr Guard to blocking foes and screening the rest of your units with the Ishlaen Guard – the kit contains options for both, so which you build is up to you.
So electric eels and cavalry troops. And if you really want to get in there with as many Akhelians as you can, if you take Volturnos, High King of the Deep or his less fancy, Akhelian King counterpart, these guys become line troops, so you can mount up without moderation. All these will be available next week, so check them out.
Some people say that when the Idoneth cavalry attack, it’s like having the moon hit your eye like a big pizza pie–but really that’s a moray