40K: BoLS Fight Knight – Big Mini Beatdown

We gathered up our favorite knights and rolled up some Freeblades to throw down in an all-knight Free-For-All. It was a ton of fun, come check out our Freeblade Fracas right here at BoLS HQ.
It’s the inaugural BoLS Fight Knight, where ironically no special battlefield rules were in effect, which means that this wasn’t a night fight knight fight, though it did feel just right. Seriously if you and your friends can get some Knights together, this is a blast. Check out the Battle Report below.
And if you’re curious as to how we pulled this all off–you can find a snippet of our rules below.
The Rules:
- Players – Recommended 4-8 players (or more – table size is the limit)
- Each Player Picks a Knight or a pair of Armigers
- Roll randomly for your Qualities (you get 2 – if you roll doubles, the second roll does NOTHING as per the rules).
- Roll randomly for your Burden (you get 1)
- If they are playing Armigers, Qualities and Burdens apply to BOTH.
- Deploy in the corners randomly (if you’re playing on a 6×4 with 4 players). If you have more than 4 players split the table up as equal as possible and deploy on a table-edge and try to stay at least 18″ apart.
- At the start of each round, players roll off to see the turn order. Highest roll goes first. In the case of a tie, those players roll off between each other.
- You cannot fire into a close-combat you are not involved in – Knights still have a sense of honor.
- You can CHARGE into an existing close-combat. This will trigger a new round of melee for all parties. Resolve the fight phase a normal based off initiative order.
- Last Knight standing is the winner.
Though your mileage may, of course, vary. If you do come up with your own twist on this format, please let us know. We want to see how many different ways you can Robot Jox this up. Surprisingly the Armigers pack a mean little punch. We ran with a pair of Armigers, but personally I think you might get better results running both a Helverin and a Warglaive for more varied options on your turn. Otherwise it just ends up being running and hiding until someone catches you out and pastes you.
And remember the Knight-time is the right time