40K BREAKING: House Cawdor Minis

Take a look at the latest minis just revealed at UK GAMES EXPO. House Cawdor is coming to Necromunda!
We already got a tease of House Cawdor at Warhammer Fest a few weeks back. Today GW pulled the covers off the latest gang to hit Hive Primus!
Here’s some basics on House Cawdor to get you in the mood (via Lexicanum)
House Cawdor (also called the House of Redemption) is one of six Hive City Houses in Necromunda‘s Hive Primus, known for its rigid adherence to the Cult of the Redemption, though the connection to the Cult’s outlawed crusades is one their leaders are careful to minimise. This mysterious House is perhaps the second most populous after House Orlock.
House Cawdor has dedicated itself entirely to the Redemptionist cause and the Cult has attained the status of an official religion in Cawdor uniquely among the hive’s Houses, making Cawdor the stronghold of the Cult and effectively controlled by it. The unforgiving creed of the Cult demands a strict code of conduct; those who break the rules are driven away and become outlaws. The codes of their religion forbid them from showing their faces in public upon pain of death, and so the Cawdor can be recognised by the hooded jackets or heavy, elaborate masks which they wear to conceal their features, which are often quite bizarre or disturbing in design. The path of righteousness is at its purest in House Cawdor, with regular public witch hunts and mass burnings of heretics and mutants, who they are especially quick to turn on, even in the more tolerant Underhive.
The Minis
GW ads that the plastic minis will have many cool accessories ranging from “heavy crossbows to incendiary charges and a variety of hoods, heads and accessories.” Also look for Forge World to kick out accessory packs for these as we’ve seen with the previous gangs.
~I really like these guy’s vibe. How about you?