40K: Fight Knights – House Krast And House Mortan Are Close Combat Machines

House Krast and House Mortan are two of the more melee-minded Knight houses. Not that their knights are lacking in firepower, just that they’re at their best when they get up close* and personal.
Two more Knight Houses for you to take a look at today. This time it’s a couple of close-combat specialists. We’ve got the Cold Fury of House Krast, a Questor Mechanicus type house, and the Close-Quarters Killers of House Krast. As you might expect from a faction traits focused around melee combats, most of them involve re-rolling dice in the Fight Phase under various and sundry conditions. Let’s take a look. First up the Cold Fury of House Krast:
Rerolling your failed hit rolls when you’re charging or charged is pretty decent. Especially considering that you want those weapons to hit–and you don’t even have to worry about rolling 2’s. With a Knight’s mobility and their ability to fall back and still shoot/charge, you’re pretty much always going to have this on your Fight Phase. Buuut… House Mortan seems to have a leg up on these guys.
This tradition is just straight-up better. Maybe the advantage of Questor Mechanicus has something to help balance it out–but otherwise, House Mortan just gets to always re-roll failed hit rolls. Period. If you are charging or charged, you get +1 weapon skill–you don’t have that Titanic qualifier or anything, you’re just strictly better. So if you want to do assault knights, this is probably the way to go.
Of course if you want to do a-salt knights, you’ll probably need to pepper in some knights that are loaded for bear, just in case your opponent is on a low-sodium diet. I’ll see myself out.
*If the other end of a Knight-sized chainsword can really be counted as ‘close’