40K: Hitting The Bricks – Lego My Bolt Pistol

To a Space Marine, the boltgun is far more than a weapon; to a Lego Master Builder, it’s an exciting challenge to recreate one, complete with bolt shells and an ejecting clip. Come take a look.
That’s right, we have the instrument of Mankind’s divinity, whose every howling blast is a prayer to the gods of battle rendered in interlocking plastic bricks. Proof that Legos are the universal building material–after all, these same Legos built a Dreadnought and an entire Space Marines army.
This is basically the inside of an STC
But today we have this amazing bolt pistol. It seems to be about what you’d expect for the scale (assuming that normal human hands are Space Marine sized, so whatever ratio that would be), and it looks incredible. And it’s functional too–take a look, courtesy of YouTuber Scharnvirk-Jerac.
I mean, the ejecting clip alone would have been complex enough. But you can also load it with bolt shells, cock it–the only thing you can’t do is make it shoot. But I wager that’s because getting it to actually fire might make it too big for the scale.
The level of detail that has gone into this, though, is one step above. You can see the gold piping, the creative use of Imperial Transfers, and a whole bunch of rivets, knobs, even the pattern on the grip makes it look like the model. For comparison’s sake:
It’s all there. The only thing missing is the heretic on the other side of it, fleeing in terror from the Emperor’s retribution, which I suppose you’d have to provide yourself. But heresy is easy to find, you just have to know how to look.
Well while we await our turn on the heresy trials, enjoy.
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