40K: Knight-Dominus Kits – Meet The Castellan & Valiant

The Knight-Dominus Chassis was two big for just one kit – Come take a look inside both the new Knights right now!
When it comes to bringing the beef, the new Knight-Dominus Chassis has you covered. Clocking in at a massive 28 wounds with Toughness 8 and a whole lot of dakka, these new Knights are gunning to be the top of the 40k food chain!
Knight Castellan
Games Workshop actually split these Knights up into two separate kits. So if you want to run one, be sure you know which kit your going with first. The Castellan is the “Blue” kit. It comes with the two standard Knight Dominus Sprues and it’s two signature arm-cannons: The Volcano Lance and Plasma Decimator!
The Castellan is billed as the anti-armor killer of the two. With the impressive firepower the Volcano Lance brings along with the extra weapons, it certainly can do a number on pretty much any target. In the box, you’ll get two sprues that make the legs and parts of the torso:
And then the third sprue that makes the unique guns and finishes out the torso:
Knight Valiant
In the “Red” box, you’ll get the kit for the Knight Valiant. Stat-wise this knight is the same, except for the weapon load-outs. It comes with the anti-infantry Conflagration Cannon and the truly deadly Thundercoil Harpoon:
Personally, I think the Conflagration Cannon is pretty deadly no matter how tough you are due to the fact that it auto hits at strength 7, AP -2, and 2 damage a pop. 3d6 shots is no joke! And if the target is still hanging around then the Thundercoil Harpoon should finish them off. Between these two big guns and the extra shots from the other armament, if your target survives, it just wasn’t meant to die this round.
In the box, you’ll get the two stock sprues as mentioned above and the third sprue is the unique weapons and arms:
Both of these kits are going up for pre-order this weekend. If you want to get one, just be sure you know which one you want!