Age of Sigmar: Heroes Of The Sacrosanct Chamber

The new Sacrosanct Chamber is full of Stormcast Eternals who wield Sigmar’s awesome power a little more mystically than their hammer-and-lightning wielding brethren and sistren. Come look at two of the most powerful sorcerers in Sigmar’s forces.
Of course, it goes without saying that these “sorcerers” and “wizards” also wear heavy armor, are more than capable of besting a horde of lesser foes in close combat, and are probably capable of lifting at least a horse over their heads. I mean there’s Astreia Solbright–an arcane scholar who is best described as a magical nerd…
Originally a magus of light from Hysh, she now turns her mastery of magic and spirit-science to the aid of Azyr…
She’s on a quest to find a cure for the flaw that wears away the souls of the Stormcast Eternals so that maybe they’ll all stop losing their humanity and causing as much damage to mortals as the forces of Chaos as they attempt to stop the enemies at their gates. But she’s basically a magical researcher. A scholar, if you will.
Pretty much exactly what you’d picture a Stormcast “researcher” to look like. In her research, she battles countless seemingly immortal beings, bringing death to the deathless and power…UNLIMITED POWER…to the Hosts of Stormcasts she leads.
Between being able to return Stormcast Eternals to the fight when they die, or giving your new Sacrosanct units the ability to use their special abilities to the max–Evocators, Castigators, and Sequitors all can benefit from Astreia Solbright’s Command Ability. So whatever your play style, she’s got your Stormbros’ backs.
Then of course there is Aventis Firestrike, an armor-clad mage who burns with fiery wrath for Sigmar’s enemies. Especially Khorne.
He is a master of pyroclastic magic–when Khorne daemons sacked his homeland, he went on a burning rampage and is now reforged as the Grand Magister of Hammerhal. And he is all about fire magic.
He’s another great leader–which is great. The Stormcasts have been a little lackluster in the magic department of late, and now these two are here to show other arcanists how it’s done. Aventis is a fantastic offensive caster, you want him blasting your foes, lining up to catch units in his pyroclastic blast. Tempting them into melee so his righteous indignation can dole out damage.
Both of these heroes present an exciting new direction for the Stormcast Eternals. So tune in to see more of what comes out for them in their new battletome.
Sacrosanct Eternals are magically delicious.