AoS: Back To The BASE-ics – Measuring & Piling In Changes

Games Workshop has modified the rules for Measuring and Piling In for Age of Sigmar 2.0! What to find out how? Step inside…
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar has always had to straddle the line between new and old. While it certainly cut ties with the Old World, it still couldn’t ignore the legacy of Warhammer. One of those complications was the classic “Square vs Round” Base problem. GW tried to sweep this under the rug in the new rules by saying “just measure model-to-model, bases don’t matter!” Only, that didn’t go over so well and a lot of folks just played by measuring base-to-base anyways. And now – it’s official!
Game Workshop knew that most people were playing that way anyways. This just puts that question to rest. This also come with a change to the way Piling In works, too.
Notice the wording on the Piling In rule – you’ll now be able to get even MORE models in to combat thanks to the rules. You can even move if your right next to someone:
“Piling in has changed (very slightly!) to work with the new, official base-to-base system, to allow you to get as many models into combat as possible. Where previously, you could only pile in towards the closest enemy model before having to stop, now, you can pile in even if you’re right next to someone – provided you don’t move any further away from the nearest enemy model.”
This is a big boost to horde-style armies as they can now slide around and surround enemies. It makes sense as this wave of bodies crashes into the enemy. And speaking of crashing into the enemy – players can no longer opt to NOT attack with a unit:
“… the combat phase only ends when every single eligible unit has piled in and participated. “
Everyone who is eligible to participate in the combat phase must fight!
Now, if you have an army that is still on Square Bases I’ve got some good news for you: Your bases are perfectly fine to use. According to GW:
“If you’ve got a collection that’s beautifully based, you can put away the clippers – there’s no enforced, single standard for how you should base your models.”
That said, when the games rules release later this month they are producing a download chart for recommended base sizes. They also say that if you’re a Tournament Organizer and you want to keep things consistent, they can use this reference chart. And if you’re trying to convert your models over this chart will make it easier. I took the plunge with my Chaos Army and yes, it was a chore, but it’s done. But again, according to GW, you can still use your Square Bases. But if you’re going to a tournament, I’d check with the TO about your army and see if they have any options/information for you.
Square-Base, Round-base – it doesn’t matter! Just get your models on the tabletop and play AoS 2.0!