Critical Role Launches Miniatures On Kickstarter, Funds In Hours

Now you can get your own miniature version of the Critical Role party–partnering with Steamforged Games, you can now make a single pledge and get the parties from Campaign 1 & 2 of Critical Role, as well as a few…favorite friends.
It’s no surprise that the Kickstarter is funded, but holy cow do these miniatures look amazing. Critical Role is, of course, the biggest D&D campaign on the internet. And now you can take home both parties in miniature form. There’s Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein, as well as a few NPCs (sadly no word on Viktor, the Black Powder merchant, but there is Pumat Sol, and Pumat Sol is life, so). This is a short campaign, lasting only until next week–but with more than half a million dollars pledged at press time (of it’s 26K goal), there’s plenty of time to get in on this and snag the Kickstarter Exclusives.
via Critical Role/Steamforged Games
Working in collaboration with the Critical Role cast, Steamforged Games has designed and developed an exciting range of high-quality miniatures that bring the legendary heroes of Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein to life. Perfectly scaled for roleplaying, the PVC miniatures come fully pre-assembled and ready to paint and play right out the box.
Critical Role is a weekly livestreamed roleplaying game set in Exandria, which is the world created by veteran voice actor and Dungeon Master, Matthew Mercer. Each week, Matthew leads his friends (also fellow voice actors!) on epic adventures.
The first Critical Role campaign centered on the ragtag group of heroes in Tal’Dorei known as Vox Machina — Pike Trickfoot, the Gnome Cleric, Keyleth, the Half-Elf Druid, Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo, the Human Gunslinger, Grog Strongjaw, the Goliath Barbarian, Scanlan Shorthalt the Gnome Bard, Taryon “Tary” Darrington, the Human Artificer, Vex’ahlia (and her animal companion, a bear named Trinket), the Half-Elf Ranger and Vax’ildan, the Half-Elf Rogue. The first campaign ended in November 2017 after 115 episodes and 373 hours of gameplay.
Critical Role is now in its second campaign, in which the Mighty Nein begin their adventures together in Wildemount. The Mighty Nein consists of Yasha, the Aasimar Barbarian, Beauregard, the Human Monk, Mollymauk Tealeaf, the Tiefling Blood Hunter, Fjord, the Half-Orc Warlock, Nott the Brave, the Goblin Rogue, Jester, the Tiefling Cleric, and Caleb Widogast, the Human Wizard. Shakäste, a human cleric, has proven himself to be a trusted ally of the Mighty Nein.
And then of course there are the Kickstarter Exclusives: Taryon Darrington, Doty 2.0, Pumat Sol, Pumat Sol, Pumat Sol, and of course, Pumat Sol.
After investing heavily in our advanced miniatures development pipeline and working closely with carefully selected manufacturing partners, the quality and detail produced in our industry-leading miniatures is simply world-class.
Every highly-detailed mini is a fully pre-assembled PVC model, ready to paint and play straight out the box.
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