D&D: The Art Of Waterdeep Shows A Wild And Crazy Night In Dragon Heist

They say a picture is worth a thousand words–well time to cash those words in. The artwork of the Waterdeep Adventures tells a rich story that we want to dive into. Full of purple-robed cultists, a menagerie on parade, and Zardoz in a pirate hat–this adventure is going to be lit.
One of the best things about the Stream of Many Eyes is the All-Tank Party. Okay. Well that’s objectively true, but one of the OTHER best things about the Stream was the art wall that they had on set. Taken from the Waterdeep set, we’ve got a look ahead at some of the artwork you’ll find in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Every picture is a story of something exciting–they’re knocking it out of the park with this one. I don’t even know what’s going on in half of these, but I want to find out.
First up, here are some of the “friendly” faces of Dragon Heist. Man. There’s so much to unpack. Whether we’re talking about the extravagant hats on display.
Or the Mind Flayer and its Intellect Devourer Puppies–which, I have immediately stolen for use in my next adventure.
There’s quite a cast of characters. These on top of the larger than life villains (Link) that players will be squaring off against. Or working with–that Dwarf with a croossbow for a hand is possibly my next character. Then there’s the second batch of NPC faces, including a purple-robed man who looks like he’s leading some kind of ritual and a few officious looking dwarves.
But it’s the two humble beggars in the second row that really catch my eye. Nobody looks that harmless–they’re almost certainly secret Zhentarim agents.
And that’s just the faces. We also have a look at some of the exciting scenes you might find in Dragon Heist and Dungeon of the Mad Mage–they tell a tale of wild adventure, with daring chases, parades, explosions and uh, whatever is going on with this guy.
Did you think I was joking when I said Zardoz in a pirate hat?
I both do and don’t want to know. But for now let’s take a look at some of the scenes we can expect to find:
I see a meeting with Volo in there, along with an explosion that’s probably NOT AT ALL the PC’s fault, more of those purple robed cultists, and a distressing number of pictures of the city being on fire. These adventures look like a wild ride through the City of Splendors. Wonder what the Lords of Waterdeep will think about the goings on? There’s only one way to find out–and rest assured, you’ll probably find out.
As one last bonus, we have some of the artwork from the latest Dragon+
This too is connected to the Waterdeep Dragon Heist adventure, but it’s much more delightful.
So until we get more details–these will whet the appetite quite nicely.
Happy Adventuring!