Geekery: First Look at ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ on Set

The sequel to 2017’s highest grossing comic book movie is filming right now. The timeline has been moved up over 50 years to the glorious, and super fashionable mid-1980s where Diana will take on new adversaries – fanny packs included.
Wonder Woman broke a bunch of records last year – it earned $821.8 million worldwide and wide acclaim; it’s also the highest grossing film with a female director. It’s DC’s most successful since it started to reboot their film franchise, so of course a sequel was greenlit immediately. Photos from the set of the next movie are starting to make their way out into the wild. The set and wardrobe folks definitely have the fashion and entertainment options (that’s J.R. Ewing from Dallas on the left screen) down for the era…
Wonder Woman 1984 #WW84
— Gal Gadot (@GalGadot) June 13, 2018
And we have confirmation that Chris Pine will be reprising his role as Steve Trevor – though no idea how he got there. He looks a bit confused in this official pic, as well. I agree… nylon track suits are weird.
Welcome to WONDER WOMAN 1984, Steve Trevor! #WW84
Advertisement— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) June 13, 2018
It looks like they’re also doing their research for some call backs to the TV show starring Lynda Carter.
I KNEW Diana’s outfit reminded me of something! – she had a similar one in the TV show. #WW84
— Charlie Ashby (@CMWAshby) June 13, 2018
Kristin Wiig has been cast as Cheetah, but no photos just yet. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more as the production moves forward. I’m looking forward to finding out how Trevor made it out of that explosion alive, and just how retro they’ll go with this.
Wonder Woman 1984 is scheduled to hit theaters November 1st, 2019.