Geekery: Luke Cage’s Foes Duke it Out in New Trailer

This latest look at the new season reveals more conflict, more danger, and more fire. Ready or not, Luke Cage has to protect Harlem from two evils at the same time.
This season has another great ensemble cast, a formidable actor that can really carry being a villain, and a pitch-perfect soundtrack. Cheo Hodari Coker is still at the helm as showrunner and primary writer. It also looks like it has some fire compared to season one. Hopefully, it won’t follow its lead and extinguish itself early.
This new trailer gives Mariah a closer look, she has taken over her brother’s empire – and at the inevitable conflict that arises when Bushmaster arrives on the scene. Luke is drawn into their fight to protect his neighborhood by protecting the lesser of the two evils.
For the most part our stories will take place BEFORE Thanos clicked his fingers. A lot of that has to do with production and when we are telling our stories vs. when the movies come out. So hang in there. I remember in the comics, one of my favorite stories was the KREE-SKRULL war… which was universal, but in X-Men, no mention. Huh. And it all worked out in the end!
The most recent season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is likely the one to get the closest to the timeline for awhile. Several new seasons of the Netflix shows have been greenlit, but filming is a ways in the future (Daredevil season 3 and Iron Fist season 2 should be in the can, they both started filming last fall). And who knows what will happen given Disney’s move into streaming – we may not see many more on Netflix after that service launches.
Till then…
Marvel’s Luke Cage season two drops on Netflix June 22.