40K: Ogryn Confirmed For Wrath And Glory

That’s right, everyone’s favorite beefy (abhuman) brutes are coming to the 40K RPG, eventually, but you can secure an early copy of their rules with the Wrath and Glory release as part of their pre-sale.
When they say that Wrath and Glory is meant to be a broad and inclusive RPG that allows you to mix characters from across 40K’s lore, they mean it. The mighty Ogryn are confirmed to be a part of the playable races in the near future–though for now, you can only check out the rules if you grab one of the pre-order bundles (linked below).
via Ulisses-US
Ogryns Preview PDF (digital product) – We are developing rules and backgrounds for these Abhumans for future products in the Wrath & Glory line, but pre-order customers will get early access to the basic information you need to try them out right away!
The Ogryns Preview PDF is one of the pieces of bonus material that is being added to the pre-order bundles for Wrath and Glory. A functional preview of the rules, as they are–and presumably one that can be updated readily enough as they near release for the “future product” that we’ll see them in. Whether that means an abhuman book–especially one that includes Squats–or is just part of a campaign book that’s centered around the Astra Militarum, remains to be seen.\
But for now, it’s exciting to see the various elements of 40K that they’re managing to fit into Wrath and Glory. Having seen the game in action–it really does support a broad level of play. It’s got a great system for integrating powerhouses like Space Marines and Ork Boyz with plain old regular humans. And now add Ogryns to the mix, and presumably Ratlings as well, for folks who need to always steal everything. At any rate, you can pre-order Wrath and Glory until June 30th.
Pre-Order Wrath and Glory
Okay but where’s the supplement that will let me play as a sapient Gun Drone?