P3 Painting: Coloring Cryx – Shades, Highlights, And More Highlights

Cryx are surprisingly colorful for a faction that’s mostly black and green and then some more black. Today you can find out how to bring out the colors amidst all of Cryx’ darkness (as well as some great highlighting techniques for tiny areas) in the latest tutorials from Privateer Press.
They say it’s the little things that make all the difference. So what better way to showcase how you can use these painting techniques to make a difference on your models than with one of the littlest things in Warmachine: a Deathripper.
Watch as some Cryx Bane highlights get laid in, along with some rivet shading techniques to help make everything really pop. Then bring out the subtlest bits in a big way by painting them gold. Blighted gold, sure, but gold just the same.
It really makes a difference. That Deathripper looks much more burnished and more ready to tear into the flesh/metal/whatever of your foes.
Happy Painting!