Age of Sigmar: Realm War – The Mortal Realms Go Digital At Last

Step inside the first video game set in the Mortal Realms. Realm War takes the Mortal Realms into the most perilous of the Mortal Realms–the cyberverse. So grab your lifecycles and watch out for the MCP, ’cause we’re going inside Realm War.
If you’ve been playing GW-licensed games lately, you might have noticed, that for all that you can still battle your way across the old world, delving deep into the foundations of the World That Was–you haven’t really been able to step into a digi-rendering of the Mortal Realms. All that changes today, thanks to the folks at Pixel Toys who are bringing us Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Realm War, a candidate that will certainly compete with Total War: Warhammer Total Hammer 2 War for chunkiest title.
In addition to its title length, Realm War also promises real-time battles. In fact that’s the name of the genre:
Set in the war-torn Mortal Realms in the Age of Sigmar, the game is a real-time action battler featuring collectable cards you play as units and in-game abilities.
You had me at collectible cards. Well let’s take a look and unpack what all of this means:
via Warhammer Community
You will fight for supremacy against countless other powerful warlords across the globe, testing your fingertip strategies against theirs.
AdvertisementCommanding mighty generals from the Grand Alliances of Order, Chaos, Destruction and Death, including the mighty Gordrakk, Fist of Gork and Neferata, the Mortarch of Blood, you will build your warbands to lead into battle, deploying a wide array of loyal troops, powerful heroes, epic summons and mystical magical abilities.
Pixel Toys bring the realms and characters of Warhammer Age of Sigmar to life in a way never seen before: gallant Tempestors charging across the plains of Ghur, sinister Morghast Harbingers swooping across the steel skies of Chamon, a crazed Grot Warboss stomping through subterranean Shyish – all spectacularly created with the cutting-edge graphics and audio for which Freeblade is so well renowned.
So basically this is a mobile brawler/battler where you’ll assemble a warband and a hero and send them out to fight against each other. With collectible card bolstering your forces with special abilities–cards which you’ll doubtless be able to earn by playing, the game looks like a great way to fight the heroes and villains of the Mortal Realms. It’s available for IOS/Android in early Autumn, so keep an eye out for more news as it develops.
Looks like heroes will do the bulk of the heavy lifting–who are you hoping to see battle it out?