Strange Goings On with Forgeworld and the Horus Heresy

Hi everybody it’s Black Blow Fly to discuss one of my favorite miniature games – The Horus Heresy.
I remember when it was first released… wow !!! The game grew in popularity during 7th edition due to the dissatisfaction with Warhammer 40k. It was the only game I played for a while. Recently Forgeworld has been discontinuing a lot of kits, heck there are no more weapons for terminators and they deep sixed those amazing Legion shoulder pads for Cataphractii terminators – that makes me a sad panda indeed.
It would be great if Forge World would let us know what’s going on. Supposedly they will make an announcement this month but I’m not here to spread any rumors, no sir ! Of course there’s been a lot of speculation but nobody really knows what is going to happen. Some have their fingers crossed while others have grown disenchanted. I did not purchase any of the kits that have been discontinued because seriously I don’t know what’s going on over across the pond.
A Clouded Future
My hope is that if Forgeworld has decided to continue supporting The Horus Heresy the rules will be updated to 8th edition Warhammer 40k and a lot of the models will be released in plastic. It’s hard to believe the game as it sits now will draw any new customers over time as the 7th edition ruleset is dead and bloated. Put yourself in the shoes of someone new to miniature wargaming… for example they have no idea what’s going on if they watch a video battle report. Heck even many hobbyists that still support the game and also play 8th edition Warhammer 40k make plenty of mistakes now when they produce new video battle reports. What are hull points and armor facings? What are templates? It’s all so disconcerting.
Is 7th or 8th the future of 30K?
You might be lucky enough to live in an area where you can play plenty of games but that is definitely not the case for the vast majority. I’d even go so far as to say it’s like the proverbial ostrich sticking it’s head in the sand. If you look at the game as a business perspective updating the ruleset is a good decision and will help support its longevity – that’s a fact too. Look at all the new specialist Games that have been released with new plastic models and new rules – that’s the future. I just can’t see any company that operates on profit doing otherwise.
That’s just what I think is best though and that’s me, I know some disagree… that’s okay too. I know there are plenty of others that feel the same as I do and I think it’s ashamed we can’t all just get along. I’m not here to argue with anyone or even say what I’ve proposed is the best solution. Seriously I’m all ears to other ideas. So how do you feel about the current situation and what do you want – what do you think is going to happen ? If you’re fine with what we have you’re certainly entitled to those feelings too. Now take a deep breathe and don’t flip out – it’s not worth it.
~What do you think GW is up to with 30K?