Two Thin Coats Of Knights – A House Griffith Retrospective

If anyone knows Knights, it’s Duncan “Two Thin Coats ” Rhodes. Come see the knights of the studio painter himself, and see why the Knights of House Griffith reign supreme.
Duncan Rhodes is the king of painting, and, apparently king of a Knight World. Commanding the forces of House Griffith, he sits astride an army of knights and armigers and freeblades, each with their own names and legendary deeds.
It’s cool to see his enthusiasm for the forces. It’s honestly the best way to do up an army of Knights–these are all characters, even if they don’t have the special character keyword to define them as such. Their deeds should feel legendary, and their battles should be renowned throughout the Imperium. It isn’t just that you’re fighting a Castellan or a Valiant, you’re fighting The Doom of Korvus-6, or Viktor of Varsinius, hero of the Realm.
And then of course, there are all the amazing paint schemes and tips you can glean from the video. The whole thing looks gorgeous, and it makes me both want to have an army, any army, that looks that good–but also pining for the ability to actually do so.
At any rate, this is a fun look into what a Knights army looks like. Knowing that these are named characters has inspired me to go out and build my own Knight force. Right now I’ve got two Helverins that I suppose I could run as freeblades for a while, until they have their own place in the legendarium. So I put the question to you, knights players–what are your heroes like? Do you have characters in your Knights army? If so–tell us about them, we want to know your legendary deeds and heroes.
Of course House Griffith is the only house to be emblazoned with two thin coats of arms.